Advantages of TAIKE Valve Pneumatic Three Piece Ball Valve

Advantages of TAIKE Valve Pneumatic Three Piece Ball Valve

Advantages of pneumatic three piece ball valve:

1, The fluid resistance is small, and its resistance coefficient is equal to that of pipe sections of the same length.2. Simple structure, small size, and light weight

3. Tioht and reliable, the sealing suface matera of the ballvale is widely used in plastic with good sealing performance, and has also been widely used in vacuum ystems.4. Convenient operation. quick openina and closing, with only 90 ” rotation from fu opening to full closing, facilitating remote control

 onvenient maintenance simn structure f neumatic hal vale and generali movabi sea ind rina makina diasembi and renlaremant mare convenient

When fuly ooen or fuliy ciosed.the eina sureces of the bal and vale seat are isoated from the medium and when the medium pases throuoh it wl not cause erosion ot the valv

sealing surface.

7. lt can be used in a wide range of applcations, ranaind from small to a few nanometers in diameter to severa meters in size, from hich vacuum to hich pressure

Post time: Jun-03-2022